Whether you’re in school—at work—or serving with the Armed Forces, there’s no problem in selecting a good fountain pen — when you follow these suggestions:
First, look to the point. Is it big and sturdy? … made of 14kt. Gold? … handground to your own style of writing? That’s the way every Waterman’s point is made—that’s why every Waterman’s writes with velvety smoothness!
Second, try the ink feed. Does the ink flow freely, and stop instantly when held in any position? Waterman’s Inkquaduct Feed is so perfectly balanced you could even write on the ceiling!
Third, examine the filler. Does it fill completely with one stroke—or does it require additional pumping? A Waterman’s fills to the top, with one flip of the lever!
And fourth, check the style, for lasting beauty—details, such as the top military clip, for greater utility— reputation of the maker, for security.
Of course, the easier way is to “Just look for the Name—Waterman’s.” In Waterman’s—and in Waterman’s only- you’ll find all these features combined.
Your dealer will be glad to show you a Waterman’s priced as low as $3.57 and up to $11.90 (excise tax included). But remember: every Waterman’s has the same finer features—any Waterman’s is your as- surance of a great success. Set illustrated, the famous Commando, price $9.52.
L. E. Waterman Company, Limited, Montreal, Que.
“It’s Right—on the tip of your pen.”And that describes all Waterman’s Inks, for every purpose! Washable Blue makes school work safe — washes from hands or clothes in a jiffy. Permanent Black writes easy-to-read Airgraph Mail; Blue Black gives lasting satisfaction in all writing. 3 other smart colors, too—all in handy Tip-Fill Bottle that makes all the ink available without turning up-side-down. 15¢.