Parker 51 Xmas 1947 Poster

Today, Parker 51’s are fairly plentiful at dcalers’ stores. But Christmas is approaching fast. To wait a day—a week—may change the picture. So many are seeking them eagerly—’and early.

Last Christmas, 3 out of every 4 who sought this pen had to do without. To avoid disappointment, select your “51” at once. No other writing instrument is so desired as the Parker “51”. (77 sur-veys in 29 countries proclaim it the world‘s most wanted pen.)

Here is beauty and balance born of high precision craftsmanship. Choose from a wide range of points—individualized to suit every type of hand-writing. Each starts instantly—glides tirelessly—without a skip or falter.

Parker “51” now comes in a variety of exciting gift colors. $12.50 and $15.00. Pencils, $5.00 and $7.50. Sets, $17.50 to $80.00. The Parker Pen Company, Janesville, Wisconsin and Toronto, Canada.

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關於Boris Tang Boris對多項興趣都有心得,每一項興趣他都會全程投入參與,亦不忘向身邊朋友推薦,務求令大家都可以一同參與。Boris曾熱衷的興趣如下: 西洋書法,自2000年開始自學Italic, Copperplate,曾教導新手入門班。 射箭,2002-2008年間活躍於射箭比賽,中級組射手,建立綠林射箭會(2006年至2021年)。 飛鏢,2014年開始設立品牌MyDarts,並組織多隊飛鏢隊參加Dartslive, Phoenix及香港飛鏢會的聯賽,高峰期一星期三晚出席比賽,亦曾兩次帶隊到日本參加飛鏢比賽。 龍舟,2016-2018年擔任聖士提反書院舊生會龍舟領隊,安排練習及參加南區龍舟賽事。 草地滾球,2015年起不間段代表大埔草地滾球參加香港草地滾球聯賽及公開賽,在2018年協助球隊於第8班奪得冠軍及升班。2021-2023年擔任大埔草地滾球會副召集人。